Chapter 1 Exploratory Data Analysis using R

In this chapter we study how to extract information from a data set using various plots and summary statistics. (We will do more formal statistical modelling and analysis in later chapters). We will study how to handle data sets in R and how to produce various plots.

1.1 Case study: what makes a country good at maths?

Every few years, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) conducts a survey, known as the Programme of International Student Assessment (PISA), to compare school systems across different countries. In the 2015 survey, 72 countries (including the UK) were compared, and about half a million 15-year-old children took tests in reading, mathematics and science. Two questions we may wish to consider are

  1. how does the UK compare with other countries?
  2. Are there factors that could explain why some countries do better than others?

The PISA data can be obtained from ( To consider the second question, we will explore some of the data available from the World Bank

A spreadsheet maths.csv (which you can download here) has been compiled from these sources, and gives five variables for each country

  1. score: the mean mathematics score in the 2015 PISA test;
  2. gdp: the gross domestic product per capita (GDP divided by the estimated population size), measured in US\(\$\);
  3. gini: the gini coefficient (as a percentage). This is an estimate of income inequality, with larger values indicating more income inequality;
  4. homework: an estimate of the average number of hours per week spent on homework by 15 year-olds, from a survey in 2012;
  5. start.age: the age (in years) in which children start school.

In the remainder of this chapter, we will see how an exploratory data analysis can be used to extract information from our data, to help answer the two questions above.

1.2 The “Tidyverse”

The Tidyverse is a collection of R packages designed for data science.

(Artwork by @allison_horst)

We will be using some of these packages (in particular, a package for data manipulation called dplyr, and a package for graphics called ggplot2) in this course. You will need to install it with the command


You only need to do this once, but every session, you will need to load it with the command


1.3 Importing data into R: csv and .xlsx files

The data are in “comma separated variables” (csv) format, so we can use the command read_csv to get the data into R. (The file maths.csv will need to be in your working directory. You can change the working directory in RStudio by going to Session > Set Working Directory).

maths <- read_csv("maths.csv")

The data are now stored in R in an object called maths. All commands and names in R are case-sensitive: R won’t recognise the name Maths.

In R, you can read in files directly from websites. If you are working through this chapter on your own, and want to try out all the commands, you will either need to download the file maths.csv first, or you can import it directly with the command

maths <- read_csv("")

1.3.1 Importing Excel .xlsx files

If your data is an Excel spreadsheet in .xlsx format, you can either save it in Excel as a .csv file, or you can use the read_xlsx() command (for which you will need to load the readxl package first). For example, to import a file spreadsheet.xlsx, you would use the command

mydata <- read_xlsx("spreadsheet.xlsx")

1.4 Data frames and tibbles in R

maths is a type of object known as a data frame, which is the main way of organising data in R. In fact, it’s actually a special type of data frame known as a “tibble”. We’ll always be using tibbles rather than ordinary data frames here, but we won’t worry too much about the difference.

The data are arranged in the data frame as they were in the .csv file, with one row per country, and one column per variable. Typing maths (and pressing return) in the R console will display the first ten rows only, and as many columns as will fit in the window.

## # A tibble: 70 × 7
##    country         continent     score   gdp  gini homework start.age
##    <chr>           <chr>         <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1 Albania         Europe          413  4147  29        5.1         6
##  2 Algeria         Africa          360  3844  27.6     NA           6
##  3 Argentina       South America   409 12449  42.7      3.7         6
##  4 Australia       Oceanea         494 49928  34.7      6           5
##  5 Austria         Europe          497 44177  30.5      4.5         6
##  6 B-S-J-G (China) Asia            531  8123  42.2     13.8         6
##  7 Belgium         Europe          507 41096  28.1      5.5         6
##  8 Brazil          South America   377  8650  51.3      3.3         6
##  9 Bulgaria        Europe          441  7351  37.4      5.6         7
## 10 Canada          North America   516 42158  34        5.5         6
## # … with 60 more rows

Within the data frame, we see that the column names are country, continent, score, gdp, gini, homework and start.age, which we will use in various commands described shortly.

If we want to see all 70 rows, we can either use the command

print(maths, n = 70)

or, in RStudio, we can click on maths in the Environment window.

1.4.1 Ordering the rows by a variable with the arrange() command

Suppose we want to see which countries got the highest score: we want to arrange the rows in the dataframe maths in order according to the values in the column score. To do this we use the command

maths %>%
## # A tibble: 70 × 7
##    country            continent     score   gdp  gini homework start.age
##    <chr>              <chr>         <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1 Dominican Republic North America   328  6722  44.9     NA           6
##  2 Algeria            Africa          360  3844  27.6     NA           6
##  3 Tunisia            Africa          367  3689  35.8      3.5         6
##  4 Macedonia, FYR     Europe          371  5237  35.6     NA           6
##  5 Brazil             South America   377  8650  51.3      3.3         6
##  6 Jordan             Asia            380  4088  33.7      4.2         6
##  7 Indonesia          Asia            386  3570  39.5      4.9         7
##  8 Peru               South America   387  6046  44.3      5.5         6
##  9 Colombia           South America   390  5806  51.1      5.3         6
## 10 Lebanon            Asia            396  7914  31.8      3.3         6
## # … with 60 more rows

This has arranged the rows in ascending order of score. To see them in descending order, we include the desc() command:

maths %>%
## # A tibble: 70 × 7
##    country              continent     score   gdp  gini homework start.age
##    <chr>                <chr>         <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1 Singapore            Asia            564 52961  NA        9.4         6
##  2 Hong Kong SAR, China Asia            548 43681  NA        6           6
##  3 Macao SAR, China     Asia            544 73187  NA        5.9         6
##  4 Japan                Asia            532 38894  32.1      3.8         6
##  5 B-S-J-G (China)      Asia            531  8123  42.2     13.8         6
##  6 Korea, Rep.          Asia            524 27539  31.6      2.9         6
##  7 Switzerland          Europe          521 78813  32.5      4           7
##  8 Estonia              Europe          520 17575  34.6      6.9         7
##  9 Canada               North America   516 42158  34        5.5         6
## 10 Netherlands          Europe          512 45295  28.6      5.8         6
## # … with 60 more rows

(Just by sorting the data, we can see something interesting: look at the continent variable for the highest scoring countries.)

1.4.2 Selecting rows with the filter() command

If we want to view a subset of the rows, we can use the filter() command. For example, if we want the rows in the data frame maths where start.age takes the value 5 (i.e. children start school at age 5), we can do

maths %>%
  filter(start.age == 5)
## # A tibble: 6 × 7
##   country             continent     score   gdp  gini homework start.age
##   <chr>               <chr>         <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 Australia           Oceanea         494 49928  34.7      6           5
## 2 Ireland             Europe          504 61606  31.9      7.3         5
## 3 Malta               Europe          479 25058  NA       NA           5
## 4 New Zealand         Oceanea         495 39427  NA        4.2         5
## 5 Trinidad and Tobago North America   417 15377  40.3     NA           5
## 6 United Kingdom      Europe          492 39899  34.1      4.9         5

Note the double equals sign ==. This is used to test whether the left and right hand sides are equal: each country is included if its corresponding start.age is equal to 5. The UK is included above, but we’ll give an example of selecting it anyway:

maths %>%
  filter(country == "United Kingdom")
## # A tibble: 1 × 7
##   country        continent score   gdp  gini homework start.age
##   <chr>          <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 United Kingdom Europe      492 39899  34.1      4.9         5

1.4.3 Viewing and extracting data from a column

For larger data frames (with many columns), we may wish to view a subset only. For example, to select the score and country columns only from the maths data frame, we do

maths %>%
  select(score, country)
## # A tibble: 70 × 2
##    score country        
##    <dbl> <chr>          
##  1   413 Albania        
##  2   360 Algeria        
##  3   409 Argentina      
##  4   494 Australia      
##  5   497 Austria        
##  6   531 B-S-J-G (China)
##  7   507 Belgium        
##  8   377 Brazil         
##  9   441 Bulgaria       
## 10   516 Canada         
## # … with 60 more rows

If we want to extract the values from a column, we use the syntax dataframe-name$column-name. For example, to extract the column score from the data frame maths, we do

##  [1] 413 360 409 494 497 531 507 377 441 516 423 390 400 464 437 492 511 328 520
## [20] 511 493 404 506 454 548 477 488 386 504 470 490 532 380 460 524 482 396 478
## [39] 486 544 371 446 479 408 420 418 512 495 502 387 504 492 402 444 494 564 475
## [58] 510 486 494 521 415 417 367 420 427 492 470 418 495

We could then, for example, calculate the average (mean) of all the scores:

## [1] 460.9714

1.4.4 Creating new columns in a data frame with the mutate() command

About half the countries have a GDP per capita greater than $17000. If we try the command

maths$gdp > 17000

this creates a new vector, in which the \(i\)th element will be TRUE if the gdp value for country \(i\) is greater than 17000, and FALSE otherwise. We will add this vector to the data frame, under the column name wealthiest. The command to create the new column is

maths %>%
  mutate(wealthiest = maths$gdp > 17000)

but this doesn’t store the result. To put the new column in the maths dataframe, we do

maths <- maths %>%
  mutate(wealthiest = maths$gdp > 17000)

You may now have too many columns to see in your console, so to check this has worked, we will do

maths %>%
  select(country, gdp, wealthiest)
## # A tibble: 70 × 3
##    country           gdp wealthiest
##    <chr>           <dbl> <lgl>     
##  1 Albania          4147 FALSE     
##  2 Algeria          3844 FALSE     
##  3 Argentina       12449 FALSE     
##  4 Australia       49928 TRUE      
##  5 Austria         44177 TRUE      
##  6 B-S-J-G (China)  8123 FALSE     
##  7 Belgium         41096 TRUE      
##  8 Brazil           8650 FALSE     
##  9 Bulgaria         7351 FALSE     
## 10 Canada          42158 TRUE      
## # … with 60 more rows

1.4.5 Chaining commands together with the pipe operator %>%

We’ve been making use of the ‘pipe operator’ %>%, which we will now discuss a little more. The pipe operator %>% takes whatever the output is from the left hand side, and uses it as the first argument in the function on the next line. In general,

myfunction(x, y)

is the same as

x %>%

so, for example,

maths %>%
  filter(continent == "Europe")

is the same as filter(maths, continent == "Europe").

The %>% syntax can be easier to read when we want to chain several functions together. Suppose we want to see the top 10 countries by score, within Europe. This will involve using both the arrange() and filter() commands. We can chain these together as follows

maths %>%
  filter(continent == "Europe") %>%
## # A tibble: 39 × 8
##    country     continent score   gdp  gini homework start.age wealthiest
##    <chr>       <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl> <lgl>     
##  1 Switzerland Europe      521 78813  32.5      4           7 TRUE      
##  2 Estonia     Europe      520 17575  34.6      6.9         7 TRUE      
##  3 Netherlands Europe      512 45295  28.6      5.8         6 TRUE      
##  4 Denmark     Europe      511 53418  28.5      4.3         6 TRUE      
##  5 Finland     Europe      511 43090  26.8      2.8         7 TRUE      
##  6 Slovenia    Europe      510 21305  25.7      3.7         6 TRUE      
##  7 Belgium     Europe      507 41096  28.1      5.5         6 TRUE      
##  8 Germany     Europe      506 41936  31.4      4.7         6 TRUE      
##  9 Ireland     Europe      504 61606  31.9      7.3         5 TRUE      
## 10 Poland      Europe      504 12372  32.1      6.6         7 FALSE     
## # … with 29 more rows

We read this as, “Start with the maths data set, filter it to extract the European countries, then arrange in order of decreasing scores.” The code above could be written as

arrange(filter(maths, continent == "Europe"), desc(score))

but a single (and potentially long) line of code such as this can be harder to read and understand.

1.5 Calculating summary statistics with the summary() command

We can now start to compare the UK’s score with that in other countries. Recall that maths$score extracts the maths scores for the 70 countries. We can obtain various summary statistics for this variable with the command

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   328.0   417.2   477.5   461.0   500.8   564.0

We’ll need a few definitions to interpret some of this output.

Definition 1.1 (Percentile/Quantile) Given a set of (real-valued) observations, for any \(\alpha \in [0,1]\), the \(\alpha\) quantile or 100\(\alpha\) percentile is a value where (approximately) 100\(\alpha\%\) of the observations are below this value, and the remainder are above.

So, for example,

  • the 25th percentile, or 0.25 quantile, is 417.2: approximately 25% of the countries have scores less than (or equal to) 417.2;
  • the 75th percentile, or 0.75 quantile, is 500.8: approximately 75% of the countries have scores less than (or equal to) 500.8.

(There are different algorithms for obtaining the value of percentile/quantile, for example using linear interpolation, but we won’t worry with the details here.)

Definition 1.2 (Median and quartiles) The median is the 50th percentile/0.5 quantile. The lower quartile is the 25th percentile/0.25 quantile, and the upper quartile is the 75th percentile/0.75 quantile.

The output from the summary() command also tells us that

  • the smallest observed score was 328;
  • the median score was 477.5;
  • the arithmetic mean (sum of all the scores, divided by 70) for the 70 countries was 461;
  • the largest observed score was 564.

Definition 1.3 (The interquartile range) The interquartile range is the difference between the 75th percentile (0.75 quantile) and 25th percentile (0.25 quantile), and is sometimes used to describe variation in data.

The interquartile range can be obtained in R with the command

## [1] 83.5

We’ve seen that the UK’s score was 492. This ranks the UK outside the top 25%, but inside the top 50%. We can find the actual rank as follows:

sum(maths$score > 492)
## [1] 25

This tells us that the UK ranked 26th: 25 countries got higher scores.

1.5.1 Calculating individual summary statistics

Individually, we could have calculated these summaries as follows

## [1] 328
quantile(maths$score, 0.25)
##    25% 
## 417.25
quantile(maths$score, 0.5)
##   50% 
## 477.5
## [1] 460.9714
quantile(maths$score, 0.75)
##    75% 
## 500.75
## [1] 564

This may be more convenient if we just want a particular summary statistic, and/or want to store the result for use later on.

1.5.2 Calculating other quantiles/percentiles

If we wanted, say, the 90th percentile (0.9 quantile), we could do

quantile(maths$score, 0.9)
##   90% 
## 520.1

so that, approximately, 90% of the countries has scores less than or equal to 520.1

1.5.3 Computing summaries per group

Suppose we want to know the mean score within particular groups, for example, continents. We can do this by chaining together the group_by() and summarise() commands.

maths %>%
  group_by(continent) %>%
  summarise(meanscore = mean(score))
## # A tibble: 6 × 2
##   continent     meanscore
##   <chr>             <dbl>
## 1 Africa             364.
## 2 Asia               471.
## 3 Europe             476.
## 4 North America      423.
## 5 Oceanea            494.
## 6 South America      401.

We read the command as, “Start with the maths data frame, organise into groups based on the continent column, then create a new variable called meanscore, which is the mean of the score variable within each group.”

1.6 Plotting a distribution using a histogram

We’ve seen that 25 countries got higher scores than the UK, but perhaps some of these were only just higher, so that the just looking at ranks can be misleading. We can plot the distribution of scores using a histogram.

Definition 1.4 (Histogram) A histogram is a bar chart, where the area of each bar is proportional to the number of observations lying in the interval indicated by the bar. Each interval is known as a bin. If the bars are all of equal width (which is recommended), then the height of the bar is normally either the number of observations in the corresponding bin, or the proportion of the total number that lie in that bin.

1.6.1 Describing the shape of a distribution: skewness

From a histogram plot, we sometimes refer to a distribution as being (approximately) symmetrical, positively skewed, or negatively skewed. Some examples are below.

Starting from the peak of a distribution, a positively skewed distribution extends further to the right than to the left, and vice-versa for a negatively skewed distribution. Note that in a positively skewed distribution, the mean is greater than the median, and vice-versa for a negatively skewed distribution.

1.7 Introducing ggplot2

We’ll be using the R package ggplot2 to produce all our plots. ggplot2 is a popular and versatile package for producing a wide range of plots.

(Artwork by @allison_horst)

Everything you need for this module is included in these notes, but there are lots of good online resources too:

ggplot2 is included in the tidyverse package, so we don’t need to install or load it separately.

1.8 Drawing a histogram in R

We can produce a basic histogram as follows

ggplot(data = maths, aes(x = score)) + 

This is really a single command, spread over two lines, using the + symbol to carry over the command from one line to the next year. The command works as follows.

  • The first line ggplot(data = maths, aes(x = score)) sets up the axes, and tells R that we will be plotting data from the maths dataframe, with the dataframe column score represented on the \(x\)-axis.
  • The second line geom_histogram() tells R to draw a histogram for the axes specified in the first line.

When producing any plot with ggplot2, any command involving a column in a dataframe needs to go inside an aes() command (e.g., aes(x = score)). This can take a little getting used to, but you will see more examples later on.

1.8.1 Customising a histogram plot in R

We’ll redraw the plot with different colours, add a better axis label, specify a histogram bin-width of size 10, and indicate the UK’s score with a red dot:

ggplot(data = maths, aes(x = score)) + 
  geom_histogram(colour = "blue", fill = "white", binwidth = 10) +
  labs(x = "Mean PISA mathematics score, 2015") +
  annotate("point", x = 492, y = 0,  size = 4, colour = "red") 

Note that the + symbol at the end of the first three lines tells R to treat all four lines as a single command.

  • The second line now includes extra arguments: fill sets the colour of the interior of the bars, and colour sets the colour of the bar edges. binwidth sets how wide each bar is on the \(x\)-axis;
  • the third line (labs) specifies the label on the \(x\)-axis;
  • the fourth line (annotate) draws a red circle at the coordinates \(x=492, y=0\), and size = 4 increases the size of the circle (the default value for size is 1.)

Now we can see that quite a few countries got scores close to the UK’s, so that there’s not necessarily much to distinguish countries, even if they are, say, 10 places apart in the rankings.

1.9 Covariance and correlation

Let’s first consider the relationship between the maths score and GDP per capita. For the \(i\)-th country, let \(x_i\) be its maths score and \(y_i\) its GDP per capita, for \(i=1,\ldots,70\). Looking at the first few rows of the data

## # A tibble: 6 × 8
##   country         continent     score   gdp  gini homework start.age wealthiest
##   <chr>           <chr>         <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl> <lgl>     
## 1 Albania         Europe          413  4147  29        5.1         6 FALSE     
## 2 Algeria         Africa          360  3844  27.6     NA           6 FALSE     
## 3 Argentina       South America   409 12449  42.7      3.7         6 FALSE     
## 4 Australia       Oceanea         494 49928  34.7      6           5 TRUE      
## 5 Austria         Europe          497 44177  30.5      4.5         6 TRUE      
## 6 B-S-J-G (China) Asia            531  8123  42.2     13.8         6 FALSE

so we have paired observations \((x_1=413, y_1=4147)\), \((x_2=360, y_2=3844)\), \((x_3=409, y_3=12449)\) and so on.

Definition 1.5 (Covariance) For pairs of observations \((x_1,y_1), (x_2, y_2),\ldots,(x_n,y_n)\) we define their covariance to be \[ s_{xy}=\frac{1}{n-1}\sum_{i=1}^n(x_i - \bar{x})(y_i - \bar{y}), \] where \(\bar{x} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n x_i\) and \(\bar{y} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n y_i\).

1.9.1 Calculating a covariance in R

In R, we can use the command cov():

cov(maths$score, maths$gdp)
## [1] 710058.9

and so \(s_{xy} = 710058.9\) to 1 d.p.

1.9.2 Pearson’s correlation coefficient

Covariances aren’t very informative on their own, as they will depend on the scale of measurement of the variables. Correlation coefficients are scale independent. There are different versions of the correlation coefficient.

Definition 1.6 (Pearson's correlation coefficient) For pairs of observations \((x_1,y_1), (x_2, y_2),\ldots,(x_n,y_n)\) we define Pearson’s correlation coeffcient to be \[ r_{xy}=\frac{s_{xy}}{s_xs_y}, \] with \(s_{xy}\) the covariance defined above, and \[ s_x = \sqrt{\frac{1}{n-1}\sum_{i=1}^n(x_i - \bar{x})^2}, \] \[ s_y = \sqrt{\frac{1}{n-1}\sum_{i=1}^n(y_i - \bar{y})^2} \]

Pearson’s correlation coefficient measures the strength of the linear association between the two variables, and is bounded between -1 and 1. A positive correlation implies that as one quantity increases, the other is expected to increase, and a negative correlation implies that as one quantity increases, the other is expected to decrease.

1.9.3 Calculating Pearson’s correlation coefficient in R

To calculate Pearson’s correlation coefficient between the variables score and gdp in the data frame maths, we use the command

cor(maths$score, maths$gdp)
## [1] 0.5947452

and so \(r_{xy}=0.59\) to 2 d.p. We will discuss interpreting correlation coefficients shortly, but for now, we will just comment that this value is fairly large, and certainly suggests a relationship between the two variables.

1.9.4 Spearman’s correlation coefficient

An alternative to Pearson’s correlation coefficient is Spearman’s correlation coefficient.

Definition 1.7 (Spearman's correlation coefficient) For pairs of observations \((x_1,y_1), (x_2, y_2),\ldots,(x_n,y_n)\) we define Spearman’s correlation coefficient to be Pearson’s correlation coefficient calculated on the the ranks of observations. Example

For illustration, suppose we have the following data

\(i\) 1 2 3 4 5 6
\(x_i\) 68 2 40 20 85 97
\(y_i\) 73 26 37 1 63 68

We first calculate the ranks of the observations (if \(x_i\) gets a rank of 1, it means \(x_i\) was the smallest out of \(x_1,\ldots,x_n\)):

\(i\) 1 2 3 4 5 6
rank(\(x_i\)) 4 1 3 2 5 6
rank(\(y_i\)) 6 2 3 1 4 5

We then calculate Pearson’s correlation coefficient on the ranks, as if we have six pairs of observations (4, 6), (1, 2), \(\ldots\) (6, 5).

1.9.5 Calculating Spearman’s correlation coefficient in R

In R, we just include an extra argument in the cor() command:

x <- c(68, 2, 40, 20, 85, 97)
y <- c(73, 26, 37, 1, 63, 68)
cor(x, y, method = 'spearman')
## [1] 0.7714286

(If we don’t specify a method, the default is to use Pearson’s). To illustrate that this is just Pearson’s correlation coefficient calculate on the ranks, we can obtain the rankings in R with the command rank(), and then compare the above with

## [1] 4 1 3 2 5 6
## [1] 6 2 3 1 4 5
cor(rank(x), rank(y))
## [1] 0.7714286

1.9.6 Interpreting correlation coefficients

To help interpret and visualise correlation coefficients, four examples are plotted in Figure 1.1.

Correlation coefficients and linear trends. In (a), the correlation is quite large, even though there is fair amount of 'random variation' in the data. In (b), the two variables were generated independently, but still resulted in a Pearson correlation of -0.19: 'moderate' correlation values can be observed purely by luck. In (c), $x$ and $y$ are clearly related, but the Pearson correlation is 0: there is no \textit{linear} trend. In (d), the relationship between $x$ and $y$ is monotone, but nonlinear, and the Spearman correlation is greater than Pearson's.

Figure 1.1: Correlation coefficients and linear trends. In (a), the correlation is quite large, even though there is fair amount of ‘random variation’ in the data. In (b), the two variables were generated independently, but still resulted in a Pearson correlation of -0.19: ‘moderate’ correlation values can be observed purely by luck. In (c), \(x\) and \(y\) are clearly related, but the Pearson correlation is 0: there is no trend. In (d), the relationship between \(x\) and \(y\) is monotone, but nonlinear, and the Spearman correlation is greater than Pearson’s.

1.9.7 Correlations for the maths data set

We calculate the Pearson correlations between the variables of interest:

maths %>%
  na.omit() %>%
  select(score, gdp, homework, start.age, gini) %>%
  cor(method = "pearson") %>%
  • the second line excludes any rows with missing values (the cor() command won’t work otherwise);
  • the third line selects the columns for which we wish to calculate correlations;
  • the fourth line will produce a matrix of Pearson correlations, in the form above;
  • the fifth line rounds all the numbers to two decimal places.

The code above produces the following output.

##           score   gdp homework start.age  gini
## score      1.00  0.58     0.26      0.06 -0.56
## gdp        0.58  1.00    -0.14     -0.19 -0.40
## homework   0.26 -0.14     1.00      0.13  0.07
## start.age  0.06 -0.19     0.13      1.00 -0.11
## gini      -0.56 -0.40     0.07     -0.11  1.00

(Note that the correlation of any variable with itself is always 1). By looking at the largest correlations (in absolute value), tentatively, we may conclude the following:

  • countries with larger GDP per capita tend to have higher maths scores (correlation of 0.58);
  • countries with more inequality tend to have lower maths scores (correlation of -0.56);
  • the association between hours of homework per week and maths score looks weak (correlation of 0.26);
  • there doesn’t appear to be much of a linear association between school starting age and maths score (correlation of 0.06).

(The correlations are all fairly similar if we use Spearman’s correlation instead). We will check these visually shortly. There is one complication, however: countries with higher GDP per capita tend to have less inequality (correlation of -0.4). Could this be the reason countries with more inequality tend to have lower maths scores?

1.10 Drawing a scatter plot in R

Let’s first plot maths score against GDP per capita:

ggplot(data = maths, aes(x = gdp, y = score)) +

Again, although there are two lines, with the + symbol, this is really just one command.

  • The first line ggplot(data = maths, aes(x = gdp, y = score)) sets up the axes, and tells R that we will be plotting data from the maths dataframe, with the dataframe column gdp represented on the \(x\)-axis, and the column score represented on the \(y\)-axis.
  • Both gdp and score are columns in a data frame, so they are used inside an aes() command here.
  • The second line geom_point() tells R to draw a scatter plot for the axes specified in the first line.

1.10.1 Customising a scatter plot in R

We will tidy up the plot by specifying proper axes labels, and labeling the UK. Here, the simplest way to do it is to manually add another point.

ggplot(data = maths, aes(x = gdp, y = score)) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(x = "GDP per capita (US$)", y = "Mean PISA mathematics score, 2015") +
  annotate("point", x = 39899, y = 492, colour = "red", size = 2) +
  annotate("text", label = "UK", x = 39899, y = 492, colour = "red", 
           hjust = -0.2, vjust = 1)

Note that you can break up long lines of code after a comma , which makes your code easier to read.

  • The third line (labs) specifies labels for both the \(x\)-axis and \(y\)-axis;
  • the fourth line adds a red circle ("point") at the coordinates \(x=39899\), \(y=492\) (corresponding to the UK), with the size set to 2 to make it a little larger.
  • the fifth line adds some red text (UK) at the coordinates \(x=39899\), \(y=492\), with the arguments hjust and vjust shifting the text slightly horizontally and vertically, so that it appears next to, rather than on top of the red dot. It can take a little trial and error to find the values for hjust and vjust that you are happy with.

1.10.2 Adding a nonlinear trend to a scatter plot in R

We can see clearly that maths scores tend to increase as GDP per capita increases, but the relationship doesn’t look linear. If we want to emphasise such a relationship, we can add the trend to the plot, using the extra line geom_smooth() in the plot command:

ggplot(data = maths, aes(x = gdp, y = score)) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(x = "GDP per capita (US$)", 
       y = "Mean PISA mathematics score, 2015") +
  annotate("point", x = 39899, 
           y = 492, colour = "red", 
           size = 2) +
  annotate("text", label = "UK", 
           x = 39899, y = 492, 
           colour = "red", 
           hjust = -0.2, vjust = 1) +

The blue line shows the estimated trend. The grey shaded area indicates uncertainty about this trend: it’s wider on the right hand side, because we have less data there. (You can learn more about how this is all done in MAS223).

1.10.3 Adding a linear trend to a scatter plot in R

To include a linear trend, we add the argument method = "lm" to geom_smooth():

ggplot(data = maths,  
       aes(x = gini, y = score)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
  labs(x = "Gini coeffcient", 
       y = "Mean PISA mathematics score, 2015") 

The grey shaded region represents uncertainty in the trend. We’ll do the same for the homework variable.

ggplot(data = maths,  
       aes(x = homework, y = score)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
  labs(x = "Mean hours of homework per week")+
  labs(y = "Mean PISA mathematics score, 2015") 

1.11 Box plots

If we want to compare groups of observations, we can use a box plot. Box plots are useful for comparing several groups simultaneously: we can fit a lot of information into a single plot. To explain how to interpret a box plot, we’ll first consider the European countries only, and show a box plot directly above a histogram of the same data.

In the box plot above:

  • the thick vertical black line shows the median;
  • the ends of the box show the 25th and 75th percentiles (so that the box shows the interquartile range);
  • the two horizontal lines (known as “whiskers”) extend to the most extreme observed values that are no more than 1.5 \(\times\) the inter-quartile range from the edge of the box;
  • individual observations not covered by the whiskers are shown as points on the plot, referred to as outliers.

Lining up the box plot with the histogram, we can see that it gives an indication of the shape of the distribution.

We’ll now produce a box plot (drawn vertically instead of horizontally) to compare maths scores between the continents.

ggplot(data = maths, aes(x = continent, y = score)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  labs(y = "Mean PISA mathematics score, 2015") 

  • The first line ggplot(data = maths, aes(x = continent, y = score)) sets up the axes, and tells R that we will be plotting data from the maths dataframe, with the dataframe column continent represented on the \(x\)-axis, and the column score represented on the \(y\)-axis.
  • The second line geom_boxplot() tells R to draw a box plot for the axes specified in the first line.

If we have long names on the \(x\)-axis, we may need to rotate them. We can do this as with an extra line at the end (which will rotate and shift the text slightly):

ggplot(data = maths, aes(x = continent, y = score)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  labs(y = "Mean PISA mathematics score, 2015") +
  theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = 90, 
                                 hjust = 1, 
                                 vjust = 0.5))

Let’s now investigate the relationship between maths score and school starting age:

ggplot(data = maths, aes(x = start.age, y = score)) +

The problem here is that there are only three distinct starting ages: 5, 6 and 7, so the scatter plot isn’t very clear. A box plot might work better: we think of the three starting ages as three groups. In R, we have to convert start.age to a factor variable. If we try the following command

##  [1] 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 7 5 6 6 6 6 7 6 7 6 7
## [39] 6 6 6 6 5 6 7 6 6 5 6 6 7 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 7 7 6 5 6 6 6 5 6 6 6
## Levels: 5 6 7

this doesn’t appear to have done anything, but the text Levels: 5 6 7 at the bottom tells us that the output is a factor variable, taking one of three levels. We can try the box plot, where on the \(x\)-axis, we specify that we want to use the factor variable factor(start.age):

ggplot(data = maths, aes(x = factor(start.age), y = score)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  labs(x = "School starting age", 
       y =  "Mean PISA mathematics score, 2015")

The median score is highest in those countries where children start school at age 5, but we can see there is a lot of variation within each group of countries.

1.12 Scatter plots to represent three variables

Sometimes, we may wish to visualise the relationship between several variables simultaneously. One way to do this is with a scatter plot, using the colour of each point to represent a third variable.

We’ll plot score against GDP as before, but now indicate the school starting age with different colours (after first converting start.age to a factor variable):

ggplot(data = maths, 
       aes(x = gdp, y = score)) +
  geom_point(aes(colour = factor(start.age))) +
  labs(x = "GDP per capita (US$)", 
       y = "Mean PISA mathematics score, 2015") +
  labs(colour = "School starting age")

  • we want start.age to be treated as a factor, so we convert it to a factor with factor(start.age)
  • in the geom_point() command, we want the colour of the points to be determined by factor(start.age)
  • factor(start.age) refers to a column in a data frame, so it must be used inside an aes() command.
  • the command labs(colour = "School starting age") sets the title for plot legend, where the legend explains what colour represents in the scatter plot.

Some conclusions:

  • in most of the poorer countries, children either start school at age 6 or 7: this has brought down the median compared with starting age 5 group;
  • within the poorer countries, scores do appear to be higher where children have started at age 7;
  • within the wealthier countries, there is no obvious effect of school starting age.

Now we’ll consider the effect of income inequality. We first do a simple scatter plot with a linear trend

ggplot(data = maths,  aes(x = gini, y = score)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
  labs(x = "Gini coefficient", 
       y = "Mean PISA mathematics score, 2015") 

It does appear that score decreases with increasing income inequality (as we saw when we calculated the correlations). We also noted before that income inequality is negatively correlated with GDP. We would like to take account for this. Recall that the new variable wealthiest indicates whether each country is in the top half of the wealthiest countries, as measured by GDP.

## # A tibble: 6 × 5
##   country         score   gdp  gini wealthiest
##   <chr>           <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>     
## 1 Albania           413  4147  29   FALSE     
## 2 Algeria           360  3844  27.6 FALSE     
## 3 Argentina         409 12449  42.7 FALSE     
## 4 Australia         494 49928  34.7 TRUE      
## 5 Austria           497 44177  30.5 TRUE      
## 6 B-S-J-G (China)   531  8123  42.2 FALSE

One possibility is to draw another scatter plot, but this time using the variable wealthiest to determine both the colour and to display separate fitted trends: we look to see if the relationship between income equality and maths score is still there within each group:

ggplot(data = maths,  aes(x = gini, y = score)) +
  geom_point(aes(colour = wealthiest))+
  geom_smooth(aes(group = wealthiest, 
                  colour = wealthiest), 
              method = "lm") +
  labs(x = "Gini coefficient", 
       y = "Mean PISA mathematics score, 2015") 

  • in the geom_point command, we want the colour of the points to be determined by the value of wealthiest;
  • wealthiest is a column in a dataframe, so the argument colour = wealthiest has to go inside an aes() command;
  • in the geom_smooth command, we want separate trends displayed for the two groups determined by the variable wealthiest, so we specify group = wealthiest inside an aes() command;
  • in the geom_smooth command, we also want the lines to have different colours, so the colours are specified via colour = wealthiest inside an aes() command.
  • the argument method = lm specifies that a linear trend should be displayed.

The gradients aren’t quite as steep, but the relationship is still there. A more formal statistical modelling approach can also be used to investigate this: you can learn about this in MAS223.